What is BlueWeb?

BlueWeb is the web interface for most users to be able to adjust their systems on a day-to-day basis, changing and adding cardholders and assigning them access, along with basic door operations.


Logging into BlueWeb

To access the login page for your system, open a browser and enter in the local IPv4 address of your BlueWave Server. You will use the same login credentials that you use on the BlueView software to access the BlueWeb interface. There are sections within the web pages that allow you to make changes to people or view reports. This guide will focus on People and Reports for your day to day activity. There are other guides that are available for Holidays and Doors.

Managing People

Important: BlueWeb schedules automatic updates five minutes after changes has been made. Please allow the system time to update after you have made an adjustment to a person.

Adding a Person

To add another cardholder to the system, navigate to the People tab and click on the blue Add New person above the list of people on the left. A form will appear on the right side of the screen.

The minimum requirements are to enter a first and last name, along with the group they will belong to. Employee ID's are encouraged and a card is required for access.

Finding a Person

When you click on the People section, you should be taken to another web page that will display some of the people that are in your system. This will be shown on the left side of the screen, along with a search bar.

Use the “Find” search bar to type in the name or employee ID of the card holder, then click on the magnifying glass or press enter on your keyboard. Once you find them, they should be displayed on the left-hand side and you’ll be able to click on their name to open their “Profile”.

Adding and adjusting a Card Holder

 Each person has a few “sub-sections” under their profile, if you click on the blue + button, you can expand the sub-section. You can also activate or deactivate profiles with a quick click on the button beside their status.


This is able to be automatically created when using a import service for your people. However, if this is blank, you will see the following instead:

You can click “Add New Credential” and enter in the information for a card or code assigned to that person. Be sure to use the correct credential format and include the facility code if relevant. You can also set up different types of credentials in this section, and keep in mind that two people cannot share the same credential. Refer to our Guide on Configuring Cardholders and Credentials for more information on these fields.

Access Groups

This is able to be automatically created when using a import service for your people. However, if this is blank, you will see the following instead:


For unassigned people, they will need to be added manually to a group in order to gain access to doors. Expand Add to New Group, select a group, then click Add to Group to finish the process.