Login Administration
This form allows you to add, update and delete Logins for the BlueView software. These same logins are also used in the BlueWave web interface.
To add a new BlueView user/login:
• Type a User Name
• Type a Password, then confirm the Password in the Confirm box.
• Choose the associated BlueView Card Holder. If the new User is not already a BlueView cardholder, click the Add a User button to open the Cardholders screen.
• Select a Login Role (see Role below for more information).
• Click Add to add the new login.
To update an existing user/login:
• Select the login from the table
• Make any necessary changes to the User Name, Password (you will be asked to re-type the password in the Confirm box, if changed), Card Holder or Role
• Click Apply to save your changes
To delete a login:
• Select the login from the table
• Click Delete to delete the login
Login Roles define what a user is able to do within BlueView. Built-in Login Roles are as follows (these roles cannot be modified or deleted):
Full access to all doors, groups, and shifts in BlueView, and the ability to perform any task in BlueView. Monitor
Read-only access for all doors, groups, and shifts in BlueView (the user can view but not make changes), and the ability to run reports.
Read-only access for all doors, groups, and shifts in BlueView (the user can view but not make changes), and the ability to run reports, activate permissions, and send door over-ride commands.
To add a new login role (available in Professional and Enterprise editions only):
• Type a Name for the Login Role
• Click Add to add the login role with default role permissions
• Click Set Role Permissions to choose which role permissions to assign to the role. Use the arrows to move selected role permissions between the Available Role Permissions and Current Role Permissions column.
• Close the Role Permissions window when done
To update a login role:
• Select an existing Role from the list
• Click Set Role Permissions to choose which role permissions to assign to the role. Use the arrows to move selected role permissions between the Available Role Permissions and Current Role Permissions column.
• Close the Role Permissions window when done (changes are saved as you go)
To delete a login role:
• Select an existing Role from the list
• Click Delete to delete the login role
Login Role Permissions
• Read - Read-Only Access - this login cannot make any changes to the system (this will OVERRIDE other role permissions you may choose)
• Read/Write - Full access to view and make changes to the system (this will OVERRIDE other role permissions you may choose)
To provide more granular login role permission selection, leave BOTH Read and Read/Write OFF of the "Current Role Permissions" list.
• Activate Permissions - Ability to activate permissions (from BlueView software)
• Import Cards - Ability to use Import Cards tool (BlueView software)
• Load Batch of Cards - Ability to use Batch Load tool (BlueView software)
• Login Administration - Ability to access Login Administration screen (BlueView software) to make changes to system logins
• Remote Configuration - Ability to access Database Configuration/Client Setup screen (BlueView software)
• Reset Database - Ability to access Reset Database tool (under Tools --> Import in BlueView software) that can delete all people/groups/shifts from the software. Intended to be used ONLY when a spreadsheet import on a new system doesn't produce the correct results and the administrator needs to start over.
• Run Report - Ability to access Reports screen in BlueView or Reports tab in BlueWeb
• Send Command - Grants ability to send any command (Ops Admit, Unlock, Lockdown, Normal) from BlueView or BlueWeb
• Send Command Lockdown - Grants ability to send Lockdown command from BlueView or BlueWeb (lock the door so that ONLY Master cards will work at the door)
• Send Command Normal - Grants ability to send Normal command from BlueView or BlueWeb (take door out of Lockdown or Unlock override modes)
• Send Command Unlock - Grants ability to send Unlock command from BlueView or BlueWeb (put the door in an Unlock override mode)
• Send Command Ops Admit - Grants ability to send Ops Admit command from BlueView or BlueWeb (momentarily unlock the door for its latch interval, default is 3 seconds)
• Update Firmware - Ability to access the Firmware Updater screen (BlueView software)
• Web Add Cardholder - Grants ability to add a new Person/Cardholder to the system from BlueWeb
• Web Advanced Door Operations - Grants ability to access the Advanced Troubleshooting
Features from the Door page on the web interface - these include the ability to enable/disable communication with a door and initiate a full or incremental permissions update
• Web Change Cardholder Status - Grants ability to Activate or Deactivate a Person/Cardholder record on the People screen in BlueWeb
• Web Change Credential - Grants ability to add/edit/delete a credential (card or PIN) record on the People screen in BlueWeb
• Web Change Door Status - Grants ability to change a door's status using Door Operations on the Doors screen in BlueWeb (Lock door for the rest of the day, change today's hours for this door, etc.)
• Web Change Group - Grants ability to add a person to a group or remove a person from a group on the People screen in BlueWeb
• Web Delete Cardholder - Grants ability to delete a Person/Cardholder from the system on the People screen in BlueWeb
• Web Edit Cardholder - Grants ability to edit Person/Cardholder information (name, employee ID, picture, etc.) on the People screen in BlueWeb
• Web Holidays - Grants ability to input holiday unlock hours for doors from the Holidays page in BlueWeb
The following Credential Mode settings can restrict which Credential Modes show up in the Credential Mode dropdown on the People screen in BlueWeb. (The Credential Mode drop-down may be turned off (invisible) in BlueWeb via BlueWeb configuration settings. These settings would only apply if this dropdown is configured to be visible.)
• Web Permit Cred Mode Lockdown - Grants ability to set a credential mode for a credential to Lockdown (when a card is presented, it puts the door into Lockdown override mode)
• Web Permit Cred Mode Manager - Grants ability to set a credential mode for a credential to Manager (to be used with Manager/Managed shifts)
• Web Permit Cred Mode Master - Grants ability to set a credential mode for a credential to Master (ability to access any door in the system, including doors in Lockdown override mode)
• Web Permit Cred Mode Unlock - Grants ability to set a credential mode for a credential to Unlock (when a card is presented, it puts the door into an Unlock override mode)
Access List
This tab allows the user to define exactly which locations (doors), groups (cardholders) and shifts can be accessed by this login role within BlueView.
To change the locations, groups, or shifts visible to a login role, first choose the Role from the drop-down list. Then use the arrows to move selected Locations, Groups, and Shifts between the Available and Visible to this Role columns (changes are saved as you go).